What‘s your center?
What inspires you?
Today I participated in a workshop in which they had thought of a dice game. In stead of numbers, the dice had questions/subjects on them which were meant to give the conversation (you were practicing) a subject or to lead it. The game had 6 dices, with the subject decided by the first one. You could chose a simple one, for a start: if you don‘t really know the person a head of you. Or one which asked you to talk about a WOW factor in your life or a complete failure/bad choice you made. Well, I didn't knew the person who sat in front of me very well, so we chose the first dice. While I read the different subjects which had subjects like; talk about your fave movie, your hobby, the favorite trip you took. Going deeper in those with the other dices, I came to one conclusion: they all lead me to ONE center.
Now what do you mean by a center you ask? Something which means a lot for you, something which gives you inspiration (a word I use a lot, because it has brought me this much), something what makes you happy. Perhaps you can see it as something (almost) spiritual, because spirituality is all about discovering who you are by seeking it inside of you; your inner center.
Here I have four of those subjects simplified on a table by using post-its. I left out the questions from the other dices, nonetheless they probably had me ended at the same spot.. During my conversation my subject was to describe what my favorite trip meant for me. What life experience had it brought me? It had to do with standing on my own feet a little, being able to find my way in a city I barely know. (Now I know, it isn't really hard to find your way with the London Underground..) Then the other person threw the following question: 'Who would you like to meet?' (between marks it said something like: who‘s able to help you forward?) Speaking of London, you probably don‘t have to guess which name I named. When I named Tom Hiddleston, the person I spoke with immediately asked: Who? But when I told her how much he inspired me to start writing and to step out of my comfort zone, she got really impressed.
The answers you give on the subjects (blue post-its) are supposed to be the ones you first think off. If I was meant to rethink my whole life, I probably had came up with another one for 'Fave feeling'. But that‘s not the point, these things can change. They do all the time. In a few years after I have held my first baby for the first time, for sure there will be something else written on that yellow note..
If you see the picture, I‘m sure I don‘t need to explain why I got Loki listed as a center at 'Fave movie' & 'Fave hobby' and the other 2 I've already addressed a little. Of course when you think of London, you can name a lot of things but Tom was the first to came into my mind. Perhaps that had something to do with my 2 dreams I had last night: In both of my dreams I was going to see Betrayal. (Which I thought of doing, but couldn't take the final step.) I‘d like to analyze my dreams: In both of the dreams I traveled with someone who wasn't so thrilled about going to see the play. Which I think can be explained as: I need to make my own choices. I‘m the leader of my path, I‘m the one I should relay on. Because in both of the dreams it should have been better for me if I traveled alone, perhaps I will one day: who knows? In the first dream, everything went wrong. Everything was late, obstacles, distractions.. the theatre was impossible to find. Even Google Maps couldn't find it! In the end: I was too late to see the play. What do you think this means? Fear? Or had this actually happened if I had decided to go there.. I don‘t quite know yet. My other dream clearly came from the stage door photo which got spread online the other day. This time, the theatre was easy to find and there was a line at the stage door.. I did see the play, but the dream doesn't actually show me. Later I‘m in the line for hoping to meet talk/get a picture with Tom. The line is moving fast, thank God. I know I got to see him, but again the dream apparently pressed a 'fast-forward' button because it doesn't show me! Then I‘m meeting up with a few of you I recognized from IG & FB. Hiddleston_Hideaway, you were there! But I was tired and all I wanted to do is getting some sleep.. I don‘t really know what to think of that dream, but I remember waking up with a restless feeling.
Let‘s get to: 'Fave feeling'. Writing about Loki probably came popped up, because I do that a lot lately. In fact I just finished another chapter the other day (while I have the next one finished in my head as well..). Writing about Loki gives me such an incredible happy feeling, which probably more fan-fiction writers will understand. It brings me to their fantasy world, it brings me to Asgard. They don‘t say for nothing: writing is good for your personal development. It sure has given me confidence and fun.
If you came to this point I‘ll thank you for reading my whole blog. I just wanted to share this, I am not asking you to grab your post-its as well. (As a matter of fact I don‘t think I will again any soon either). But I do want to ask you to think about what does inspire you at the moment? What is your current center? What makes you happy? What pops up into your mind? I‘ll invite you to take a moment for yourself and listen to your own inner voice.
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