Monday 10 February 2020

First anniversary of Goddess of Loki on Blogspot!

First anniversary of Goddess of Loki on Blogspot!

Blog created on February the 10th, a day after Tom's 38th birthday.

From February 10, 2019 to February 10, 2020 I wrote in total (this one included) 69 blogposts.

After I had watched War Horse last afternoon on Tom's birthday I realized that this blog's birthday was coming up soon too. One year has passed now, because I made this blog one day after Tom's birthday. It was one day too late when I decided I wanted to have my own blog, no actually one week too late because there were so many beautiful things to share in Tom's Spirit Week (so I just re-shared them a week later)! Because today it's my blog's first anniversary, I would like to look back on a few of this blog's posts, published in the first month! I think it's funny (and sometimes a bit embarrassed) to look back on your older writings, whether they are blogs or fanfiction writings. Not only do you improve your writing style in a year, but often you'll cross writings and you think: "Have I really written that? Was that my opinion?" I hope this sounds familiar, otherwise I'm the only one haha. 

I had a lot to write about in February 2019 because it had 16 posts! However, my first blogpost was a very short one, basically just a status where I shared that I had watched The Hollow Crown for the very first time the day before, on his birthday. My second one was named Favorite Tom Friday, dedicated to #TomsSpiritWeek. It was for the day you had to pick your favorite 9 of Tom from his 37th to his 38th birthday. It was a lot of text, here's a small part of it:

(Note: I'll add "2020:" in commentary I've added now.)

1. Favorite Tom Hiddleston Friday (<-- link to post)

4. Suddenly out of the blue, there was this picture of Tom Hiddleston & Josh Wilson posted by Wilson Worldwide Productions Something about a secret project. I‘m still very curious, because we still don‘t know what it is! I think it‘s something very spectacular! We got something to look forward to! He also posted a second photo (that‘s the one in the collage) in which he tagged me & a few other Tom Hiddleston/Loki fan accounts in. That totally made my day, so thank you Josh!

2020: Is it just me, or do we still NOT KNOW?

6. On the 30th October Tom and Josie Rourke talked at the Alan Howard / JW3 Speaker Series. It was a lovely and inspiring interview, I was able to watch later on Youtube. He talked about how he stepped out of his comfort zone, which has inspired me to do the same. When I hear this man talk about acting; whether it‘s in film, series or theatre; it‘s so so visible I‘m listening to a man who found his passion and as I said it before: He truly has put his heart and soul it. Perhaps I do not know how to properly bring this into words, but I hope you understand what I mean. I think many people can see him as an example, given the fact for example how he has grown in +/- 20 years. From liking to do voices as a kid to this passion and talent which goes much deeper than just the word ‘acting’. He does inspire people to go take their passion to the next level as well. 

2020: Still one of my favorite interviews of Tom!

7. Tom Hiddleston‘s first social media post in (what was it?) 2 years: Loki. More stories to tell. More mischief to make. More to come. That literally broke the internet! What Ralph Breaks the Internet? No, Tom Hiddleston breaks the internet! The #LokiSeries (#Disney+) confirmed by the man himself! I‘m so excited for this whole thing. Patient, patient.. But I‘m freaking out inside! Can‘t wait!

2020: Now we finally have a first look of the Loki Series! And I still can't wait!

9. This photo is taken by BBC Radio 2 during the Zoe Ball Breakfast Show. It‘s truly one of my favorite pictures yet! There he spoke about ‘Betrayal’ which will be hitting the theatre in London next month. He also spoke a little about the Loki Series & about the Nightmanager season 2, but he wasn‘t allowed to say much about it yet. What better to start your Friday morning (it was a Friday) with then listening to Tom‘s voice on the radio! They also had some real good music in-between the talks. I heard ABBA, Journey (Don‘t stop Believing) & a live performance of a song of No Doubt. Also they spoke about the film 'Mary Queen of Scots' which premiered that week. I found it very impressive!

2020: Okay still nothing on the Night Manager Season 2, but wow Betrayal London is almost a year ago now! Last December in my Top 2000 Music blogpost, I also addressed this radio interview when sharing the main reason why I gave Journey's Don't Stop Believing a vote: --> "Ever since my teen years the song Don't Stop Believing came to me on moments when I was about to stop believing.. It's like it's the Universe's way to send me a reminder, a confirmation and it's so beautiful. It's something that gets me emotional too. You know one of my dreams is meeting Tom Hiddleston one day and when he was on the English Radio 2 (betrayal interview) the song Don't Stop Believing was played during that show or after it. And here it comes: Two hours later I switch back to the Dutch Radio 2 and on the very same moment there it is: Don't Stop Believing from Journey!" <-- It was such a magical moment! And the ABBA song was 'Waterloo', one that now also makes me think of Tom every time I hear it!

In a top 9 of 2019-2020 probably Loki in Endgame, Tom Hiddleston on SDCC, Tom's posts about the Loki Series, Betrayal London & Betrayal Broadway won't be missing!

My other two edits I made for Favorite Tom Friday were 9 of my favorite Tom Hiddleston photo's/moments/my fave roles of Tom other than Loki + 9 favorite photo's of Tom as Loki:

To stay in the spirit of Tom's birthday, I shared a scene of when it was Loki's birthday in my Loki fanfiction. Click the link if you want to read it. I'm currently editing my story, what I had posted here is obviously not edited yet. 

Still one of my favorite posts. I talked Thor the Dark World, one or maybe my favorite Marvel movies all time! 😊 Again, here's a small part:

Favorite Introduction: In the Avengers we see Loki looking as a mess at first sight, (Of course he made all women worldwide faint a few scenes later, with him staring in their souls while the guards guide him away. Even Bruce Banner got distracted by that look!) here we see the opposite. I can‘t help but saying that he just looks extremely attractive in those chains! I don‘t know how many time was meant to be passed, but he surely doesn't look like he just got Hulk Smashed! The way we get to see him walking towards -there‘s the minor point..- Odin. In between he asked his mother if he made her proud. Also I like the scenes with Frigga and Loki very much. If you ask me I think, despite that he wasn't her real son, she favored Loki over Thor. Yes, I love this introduction. I have played this DVD like a thousand of times, so I usually just skip the prologue part and my movie starts with this scene. :) 

Favorite quote: 

"If it were easy, everyone would do it." 

And of course, off-screen at the end of the scene: "Ta-daa!"

2020: And somewhere in this post I wrote: "Is it an idea to rerelease this film, with nothing but Loki commentary during the whole film?" I still would sign for this haha! 

Favorite Illusion:

In my opinion, too much Loki scenes got cut in Thor the Dark World. (Perhaps because otherwise they could have better named the movie: Loki the Dark World..) But if I should name one they should not had cut out, I‘m not naming this one. I‘m naming the scene in which you see Loki scream loudly after he just heard about his mother‘s death. In the movie we only get to see him moving his furniture, while this extended scene showed much more of his emotions! It showed that he cared deeply, that also the God of Mischief is a man with real feelings. Of course for us it‘s obvious Loki isn't heartless, even though his actions and words have not always shown that. We read it off his face (right?). But when I‘m talking to someone who doesn't understand his character, they describe him as a selfish, heartless dirty bull. Unfortunately for some, Loki still is a misunderstood character. But luckily, the deleted scenes are out there for us to see. And this is one of my favorite because it‘s full of fun! Loki dressed as a King, raising Mjolnir and getting a lot of glory from the folks. An illusion created by Loki. The scene in Thor: Ragnarok (Hela demanding the folks to kneel before her), reminds me of this scene. Loki really has developed himself in Ragnarok, but sometimes I think it‘s funny to wonder: Is Loki really the adopted one? ;)

Favorite ending: Once you have seen the after credits scenes, you don‘t have to see them again. At least, that‘s what I thought. For me the movie starts with Loki and ends with him + the lovely Thor the Dark World music which comes after. Once I said: "Marvel shall never outdo the strong vibe this ending had.", and several movies further I still agree with myself. The best fatherly advise Thor ever got, didn't even came from his father. As if Loki just knew Thor would have turned around while walking away (imagine if he did..), he transformed (looking just as attractive like in the introduction) back to himself and softly said: 'No, thank you..' Gold!

2020: ^^ Still saying AMEN to this!

I had found a website with all kinds of questions to introduce yourself to your readers. Funny to read it back tho, let's see if I still agree with my 'one year ago' self:

"By start the people who know me don‘t call me 'Goddess of Loki', most of them don‘t even know I got social media accounts named after that, let along if they even know who Loki is. No, people call me Nicole because well.. that‘s my name. And at the moment I‘m still 27 years old. I do live in a very small town in a country shaped like a hand glove. Do you know what country I mean? (The Netherlands.)"

2020: ^^ That's not right, I'm 28 now lol.

"1. What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend? Watching tv (shows, films with or without Tom in them), writing, reading, in general relaxing and sometimes I like to go out with friends.

2. What type of music are you into? Rock music mainly! I really like 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s."

2020: Nothing changed there.

"3. What was the best vacation you ever took and why? London 2017, it‘s just an amazing city! 

4. Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why? Ah, I thought this question would come.. Scotland! I would really like to go to Scotland! I think it‘s a really beautiful country with stunning nature. And I‘d like to see Lake Lochness!"

2020: Well, I'm going to Glastonbury this year, so perhaps question 3 would change. And question 4 would not be right, even though Scotland stands very high on my bucket list!

"9. What are you most proud of in the last year? How much I have grown in my English writing. You should see something I wrote like two years ago, I‘m still working on some adjustments in my older work."

2020: That answer is still correct! I think it's amazing how much you can learn in one year!

"12. Who do you admire most in the world? Do I seriously need to answer this question?? The answer is the person I dedicates this blog to! But besides him I also really admire my family members and some people who had to deal with a lot of difficulty."

2020: 💓

"21. If you could invite 3 people, dead or alive, to a dinner party, who would they be, and why? Tom Hiddleston, Kurt Cobain & Chris Hemsworth. This would be the weirdest party ever.."

2020: Why hadn't I invited Robert Downey Jr? He's definitely invited, so I've got to un-invite someone. Obviously that'll be Kurt Cobain or Chris Hemsworth..

"24. What fictional place / movie universe would you most like to go? Asgard! Dreaming away with Loki below the beautiful Asgard sky.."

2020: Who wouldn't?

(Then came a Valentine post, a post about the Raffle for meeting Tom Hiddleston, first news about the Loki Series and news about Betrayal)

5. Stuttgart Loki Funko Pop Custom

In February 2019 I also received my Stuttgart Loki custom I had requested. I still love him, he's so adorable! More pictures in the blogpost of February 23rd.

6. Throwback to Tom‘s Spirit Week: Good Will Thursday

My last post from February 2019 was dedicated to a charity for animals, my subject for Thursday's theme of 2019's Tom's Spirit Week:

Small part:

#TomsSpiritWeek: For today‘s theme #GoodWillThursday I chose to support charities. Since I already have donated for both of the Tom Hiddleston birthday Fundraisers for Unicef, I chose Animals Syria - CatConnect. I chose to donate the exact amount I had paid for an event which got canceled (and so was refunded to me). 

#CatConnect is on my list for charities I wanted to support since I saw the episode of husky Zeus on Dogs (Netflix documentary). As I got a big heart for animals and I want them to live a happy and safe life, the episode touched me very much. The episode is about a Syrian refugee. His dog Zeus remained in Syria for several years before enlisting the help of Animals Syria to make the reunion possible.

2020: ^^ I don't know if it's still on Netflix, but 'Dogs' is really worth the watch!


Compared to last year and seen how busy I am lately, I know I won't make it to 16 posts for February this year! But since I watched War Horse last night and because I like to write film blogs/reviews, I think my next blog will be about War Horse!

I want to thank everyone who has followed me & has been reading my blogs this year. Up to another year of fun, lots of Hiddleslove & lots of Loki's mischief!

See you soon!






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