Zen Blog: Inspiring Quotes and Nature 3
In my second Zen Blog Inspiring Quotes and Nature 2 I already had mentioned that perhaps I would do a blog like this monthly. And apparently the universe wants me to do that because I keep find all these lovely things on my path. Things that make my inner self jumping up side down because she can‘t wait to share it! This jumping inner self isn't new, because nowadays the feeling of sharing my vision, my thoughts to the world has grown bigger and bigger. I always was this quiet girl who never said much, (in person I‘m still not a giant talker..) or liked to stand in the spotlights. 10 years ago I always wore black clothing, even though some black clothes now and then are okay, fortunate my closet has gotten much more colorful. Someway you can say I've turned myself around with wanting to be heard. If you look on top on the page, you can‘t miss the fact that Tom Hiddleston inspired me a lot! But also his fan base brought me a lot. I've started fan accounts on Tumblr, Instagram and among others Facebook, calling myself 'Goddess of Loki' and to be honest I never imagined that so many people would want to follow something that I made! So yes, that gave me a self confidence boost!
Once again I will also share some lovely quotes that I have found online and in magazines. And if I have given you inspiration, light and perhaps love by the time you reached the end of this post, then my task is accomplished! At the end of the blogpost you‘ll find a source list for the websites and the magazines!
I've found the perfect bag to take with me while walking. You know a bum bag is easy, but I can‘t get a bottle of water or a small camera in it. This one does. It goes on my back without bothering me. And: The Lion King! 😁 (I‘m so excited for the film!) The Lion King‘s quote 'Remember who you are' suits walking for me, at least when I‘m going for a walk alone. This might sound a little floaty (also that‘s me), but I think there‘s always something about yourself to find out. And what‘s a better way to do that than in silence and in nature? Next part I‘m deepening this subject a little more.

These photo‘s (and the one on top) I took last Tuesday when it was like 34 degrees on the hottest part of the day. Now perhaps you think: what fool goes for a walk with temperatures like that? But it was in the morning and it‘s cooler in the forest. Actually this was an activity that was planned months ago. It was all about finding inspiration in the forest. In stead of some heavy walking the leader gave us some things to do starting with walking a path together without talking, (for some that truly was a challenge!) but also to feel what the nature does to you and to let go! Another thing was to take a step forward and to name three qualities you possess. Light point: the clapping that follows gave a good feeling (2 people even clapped for themselves). As this was an activity for a group of people who are all searching for a new job or challenge, the last thing to do was to walk a path and to speak your goal/wish out loud! Before the path there was a obstacle to pass on which the leader had placed some plush bears. Those bears represented problems that you bump into along the way. (Beren op de weg/Bears on the road: A Dutch proverbial.) What are you doing with them? Do you prefer to walk over it with a bow? Do you accept them? Do you touch them? (I touched the panda, to express my love for animals actually) Or do you take them with you to walk the path together until they finally disappear? (When you decided to let go of) The choice is yours!
I always like to draw cards so when I got my eyes on the cards she brought with as a bonus, my inner self started to jump again! The cards had Dutch quotes. My first one was "Today I will finish what I‘ve started" but it was the second that truly as a deeper meaning to me. It‘s the one on the image above: "Now I see my vulnerability as my strength. After searching I found the fresh breeze in life." That‘s actually something that I have experienced and still am experiencing. I've always had a small deviation in my legs/feet, restricted (<-- like this, I hate this word) me in my doings. Therefore I have told myself the following a lot: 'You cannot do that, you cannot do this..' Which was wrong! Also I never took much walks either, until like a year ago. I found out that I am very well capable of taking a walk for give or take 1,5 hour. You know, finding out you can actually do something feels really good! It even gave me strength! So yes, turning my vulnerability in my strength is a good way to put it in words. Lately I even took it a step further by standing in front at a Slash ft. Myles Kennedy & the Conspirators performance, (which I also mentioned in my Pinkpop/Music blogpost) while standing in a crowd like that, let along at front always had been something I feared.
Nature gives us a lot, more than most of us realize actually. And I think Mother Nature appreciates it if now and then, we do something back. Or spoken of last Tuesday: Take something out that doesn't belong there. I don‘t understand why people feel the need to dump their cigarettes and plastic there. I feel lots of respect for all the people who are volunteering in cleaning up this mess, but unfortunately that‘s it‘s needed in the first place. But enough about that!
What have we got to inspire you with today?
You know that reminds me of:
When Thor finally is reunited with Loki again, he‘s a tiger that can‘t be tamed as well! (This picture I found at the 2018 WNF Calendar for the month of May)
Sometimes life will knock you down. Perhaps it‘s to test your inner strength, but it‘s necessary to let you discover that you‘re stronger than you think you were!
Next time someone tells me they think I‘m weird, I tell them I‘m limited edition!
Each day I still draw a card from a random online deck. The following three come from a deck called Life Goals. Sometimes I‘m still amazed how the right card (almost) always comes out!
💗 |
Is there room for one more tiger in this post?
I‘m in love with this breakfast plate. Perhaps I will buy it (and mostly use it for lunch!)
My tea labels! ☕💚 In the mean time I got a few pages full of them. Here are three. Beautiful right?
Marbles! 💝 |
In case if you‘re interested: This is the tea I‘m taking them from. |
Speaking of healthy or organic food:
I love to support the local markets. The products are so lovely. I think here it still needs to grow. Some people even ask me why I‘m eating 'weird food'. For who can‘t read Dutch, these are: Raspberry jam, muesli, appel juice, dessert sauce and honey from a local beekeeper. What‘s weird about that? I understand why it‘s much more tempting to buy a much cheaper version in the normal supermarket but I love these foods, and I especially love raspberries! I haven't switched fully either, but would like to in the future. The picture is a month old, halve is gone by now..
Don‘t look hard for miracles, but do look high in the sky..⛅
Clouds truly are beautiful. This made me stand still for a moment. I think we should look at the clouds more often. Here a darker cloud covers the sun, but she still manages to shine through. It looked much more beautiful in real.
A few moments later the sun came through. |
All right, one more tiger. I love them! |
For those who are still here at the end of this blogpost, I got a little bonus. I would like to share today‘s (the date I published this post: 27th of June) message made by Doreen Virtue:
Bless you, enjoy life & stay healthy!,
Source inspiring quotes: WENDY magazine, Flair magazine, Happinez magazine & orakels.net.