Thursday 16 May 2019

Tom Hiddleston: #ShareYourSchoolPhoto

Share your School Photo

3 years ago, on the 16th of May, 2016, Tom Hiddleston posted a video in where he shared a school photo of himself.

His video:
'As promised, here’s my favourite school photo! Share yours and help us celebrate the huge importance of school and education for children living through crises all over the world. #EmergencyLessons #UNICEF.'

This is the photo he shared.

I think Tom sets an amazing example and he has lots of care for the world. He truly is a lovely person with a pure heart. A pure soul or as I have said before: An Angel on Earth!

I‘m not making this a long post because this is a post in which the pictures should be doing the talking. So to end this post, I would like now to share my photo as well:

My two first school photo‘s. 

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