Wednesday 10 April 2019

Dream, do: Believe!

Dream, do: Believe!

The other day I am across a post about people wondering if when Tom Hiddleston just started as an actor, did he had in mind about all the signing he needs to do nowadays? (he already says: 'the truth is no' in the photo, about apparently how huge it all has become) And if he thinks of it now still as a dream or if he thinks: 'what have I done?'

No matter what, my point is: His dream came true and of course I believe sometimes there are moments of when it's all too much. But knowing that you inspire so many people all over the world, must (correct me if I‘m wrong) give you a great feeling! Right? My blog post from today is about dreams. Also you and I have them, and also we can make them true by the way Tom Hiddleston did as well: Never stop believing in them!

Continue in doing what you love, doing what gives you that great ‘best in the world’ feeling! Whether it‘s writing, acting, painting, singing or anything else. Just do it! Believe that you can. Having an inspiration helps, for me (and also for perhaps most people who read this) that is Tom Hiddleston. But most of it comes from within yourself: there it starts. Believe in yourself, believe that you can take on the world! You know, we all have our rights to take that place in the world that is meant for you!

Keep your dreams alive!

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