Thursday, 26 March 2020

Memories/Looking back: March 2019

Memories/Looking back: March 2019

For this blog's first anniversary (February, 10th) I did a blog post in which I talked about posts I posted in February 2019, shared memories. I also said that it could be an idea to do this monthly, around the 10th of the month (for that month 2019). Due the current circumstances that slipped my mind the 10th, and now I thought it would be nice to still do, only a little later. During these times of staying inside, more time for writing and reading are created and looking back at beautiful Tom/Loki memories always is a great thing to focus on!

I wrote 10 blogs for March 2019, an amount I cannot reach for this March anymore unless I would write more blogs per day.. I've sift through the March 2019's blogs and man.. Where I've wrote a lot about Tom/Loki in February, I didn't in March.. Perhaps it was a bit quiet around him in March before the opening of Betrayal? But as to be read in my header, Goddess of Loki is not a news blog (I make exceptions every now and then) but a personal blog. Mostly I'm sharing the news via Instagram & Facebook.

Let's share a few blogposts of March 2019:

The month got kicked off by a blog about Carnaval, something similar like Halloween (only than less scary & the dressing up & partying continues for 5 days in a row. This year I wore my Angel outfit with a purple wig, as purple is a highly spiritual colour. It really took me a while to get into the fun time this year, I notice every year I'm less and less looking forward to the Carnaval. But it remains a lovely tradition and I had a lot of fun the last two days. A storm was expected for the Sunday, so Sunday's activities got postponed to Monday.

On my personal Facebook page (Dutch) I was planning of writing a post about the Carnaval as well because this year's carnaval is now a month ago. In the past month so much has changed that it feels like it was much longer ago. It's almost unthinkable that a month ago we all stood so close to each other, partying with 1000+ people.. while now for our own safety we are taking distance from each other and events/meetings with more than 3 people are cancelled. It's a strange, strange world.. It seems that this year's carnaval caused more trouble than it did good, because the only two provinces of our country that celebrate it (Noord Brabant & Limburg, the one I'm living in), relatively have the most COVID_19 infections. If you ask me, there's a chance that these kind of big events are no longer responsible in the future. Who knows, we'll see. Health always comes first and the memories we will cherish!

This was a little news blog when it got announced that Disney Plus first arrived in the Netherlands. I wrote: "According to insiders, Disney + is coming to the Netherlands this year!" No lie there, Disney Plus arrived here in October and they offered a free period of a month before the streaming service device went live for real in several countries (don't know all exact countries) on November the 12th. We were able to test the device, however I did not used it much (that's why I cancelled mine in December) because of time and because of that there was no app for my TV. I read that still not all TVs or providers are supporting the app, I hope that has changes before the Loki Series comes because then I definitely re-subscribe!

Sadly there're no new movies to review this March and probably for April too, because of the corona-crisis all movies have postponed. And that's for the best because it's not necessary for anyone to risk their health. If you ask me, last year was a great movie year. Captain Marvel, Dumbo, Aladdin, Endgame and my personal winner: Joker. I just re-read my Captain Marvel review and since Tom Hiddleston is my huge inspiration, I do take my chance of mentioning him where I can. So I also did that in my Captain Marvel review, read below the first part of this review:

"Men, beware! Also in the film-industry, the women are after a take-over, so it looks. We will most definitely see it happening in this year’s superheroes films. After the Marvel male related superheroes such as Thor, Iron Man, Captain America & Black Panther, now it‘s up to actress Brie Larson (In my Dutch review I couldn't resist on mentioning here that she‘s also known for the movie Kong: Skull Island in which my favorite Marvel actor Tom Hiddleston has a big role. Even if we will see Loki in Endgame, I know he‘s one of the characters I can‘t mention for my Endgame review..) to crawl into the skin of a superhero: Captain Marvel! Also, later this year Marvel will release the movie: ‘X-Men: Dark Phoenix’ which will also be dominated by (not all heroes) female characters. Talked about this: We've seen it at DC too with ‘Wonder Woman’, earlier ‘Catwoman’ and the ‘Supergirl’ show (from which was made a movie in the 80s and apparently there are plans for a new Supergirl film). I thought it was very accurate for me to go see ‘Captain Marvel on International Women’s Day! However, if you just look at the title, you might just not directly assume it concerns a woman. When a few years ago I first got crossed with the title ‘Captain Marvel’, before knowing any details, I assumed it would be a male character. (No, ain’t really a comics-reader..) Funny thing I recently read in a blog titled ‘Everything you need to know about the new Captain Marvel film!’ from Wilson Worldwide Productions (Award-winning Film & TV production company which I am following on Instagram), that the character originally was a man!"

No Captain Marvel Photo here, I choose to add a photo
of both Tom & Brie in Kong: Skull Island instead.

4. Avengers / X-Men Crossover (Fanfiction I wrote)

Here I shared the first three chapters of this Avengers / X-Men Crossover fanfiction I wrote, if you want to read it, you need to click the link. It also links to the story on wattpad (also posted on other fanfiction sites) where you can find more chapters. I must say I haven't had much inspiration for this story ever since, so I'm afraid I haven't updated it much.. Also I don't know if what's in the blog is up to date (edits).

Summary story:

This is a crossover with the characters Charles Xavier, Magneto & the Wolverine of Marvel‘s X-Men (First Class). The characters of the Avengers series are: Loki, Thor, Tony Stark & Bucky Barnes. From the Guardians of the Galaxy I added Rocket & Teenage Groot. 

Charles Xavier has called the Asgardian Gods and Logan to protect his 'powerful' twin sister Charlene, against the God Apocalypse. Meanwhile Magneto made a team out of Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes & the two smallest members of the Guardians of the Galaxy to go join them.

Does this blogpost need any more explanation? Exactly what I thought a year ago, because I wrote:

"No headline. A photo strong like this one, doesn't need an extra headliner. Emma & Jerry holding hands and Robert with his head down a little afar from them. The feeling, the emotions. What a small photo can do."

Above is a edit I made and sent as a card to the theatre. It has a few of the photo's made by Marc Brenner, obviously the theme of this blogpost, in it. Relive your memories!

Oh this was such an inspiring piece of radio! Tom talked about what he listened to for the role of Loki and he also mentioned other stunning film music like Chariots of Fire! I write a lot about music too, did a Top 2000 blog in December but this blog definitely can use more posts about music. To gain positivity on Facebook's timeline, I'm currently doing a music ABC on my personal page. Perhaps when I'm finished, I can share the whole list here. I can give you today's song: 

Three photo's with one line:  "The only posts that matters today:" It was the day Tom posted Loki's Endgame picture on his social media! My heart almost stopped that day!

This blogpost about Dutch Comic Con was my first (and only for the moment) Comic Con experience. Oh where I said that this year's Dutch Comic Con was still happening (as a response of Boston's Con got cancelled), only with a few extra corona rules, they still had to cancel it after all (postponed to July as it seems now). Not only because of the many guests couldn't come due Trump's travel-ban, our country also announced a event-ban from March to June. Just like the Carnaval, in the current times, an event like Comic Con (& the crowded trains -due defect trains- during the ride home we experienced last year!) now totally seem so unreal and irresponsible. 

I just mentioned that I'm doing a music ABC on my personal Facebook page. On the 24th of this month it was the letter C. I chose for the Corrs with the song Breathless, a song that always reminds me of the episode (3x21) of Charmed in where Prue turns into a dog to track down her sister Phoebe who had turned into a Banshee (see video below). When Prue turns back to herself (end of the episode) you'll hear this song. When I hear this song it takes me back to my great memories of Charmed and especially to Shannen Doherty, who portrayed Prue in the series. I met her at Dutch Comic Con 2019 and on the 24th of March it was exactly one year ago. I found it beautiful that on this date exact, it was the turn to post a song from a artist with the letter C. I don't believe in coincidence and like Prue used to say in the series a lot: "Everything happens for a reason."


I have experienced my photo op & meeting with Shannen in the autograph line as a really lovely experience. Shannen is a warm, kindhearted person and I admire her for her strength. Over the years she has inspired me and many people over the entire world and among others did she let hear her voice for animal rights. Here's a line about Shannen's Panel that I wrote in my blogpost from 2019:

"One person told her how much she admired her for how open she was during the time of her disease (something similar I wrote in the letter) and asked her if she had any tips for someone who went through it right now."

Shannen's Q&A truly was worth every word and it was amazing to see her interaction with fans. She shared how she went through her breast cancer and shared that people shouldn't lose hope, shouldn't give up. Also Shannen has always been very open about her disease on social media. I remember that she posted a very emotional video in where her hair got shaved off. You have to be a very strong person to share a video of a vulnerable moment like that. I've really got a lot of respect for this! And indeed, I've always seen Shannen as a strong, independence woman and that's also how I experienced seeing her at Dutch Comic Con. It truly broke my heart when I found out that now her cancer has returned, in a crucial 4th stadium. The whole world is now fighting the same enemy, the same disease, namely the coronavirus, but let us also think of the people who also have to fight against other persistent diseases! 

Shannen, meeting you was an experience I shall never forget. Thank you for all the love, fun, light & strength you have brought to this world๐Ÿ’“. I wish you and your family a lot of strength, light and lots of love!

I will keep on cherishing this moment always๐Ÿ’™

Hereby I'll end this blogpost,

for everyone:

Stay safe & strong, stay home, hand out a helpful hand to the people who need it, be kind for each other, lighten the earth and don't loose faith!


*digital hugs*

Nicole from the Netherlands

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Earth Keeps On Turning

Dear readers,

We were already connected due the one person that has inspired us in so many ways: Tom Hiddleston. I feel that now we are all connected more than ever while we all have to go through a not so fine period, are all fighting the same enemy. I've had my first stay-home week last week. Awareness slowly arrived within the week and I did what I could, offered my grandma help for groceries so that she was able to stay home safe. Writing has helped me before in not to loose my faith and while the days passed, inspiration to address this subject came. I would like to share this blogpost with you all.

Wherever you are, wherever you live, dear Tom Hiddleston, dear Hiddlestoners, dear everyone who's reading this! :: I'm sending you my love, all good thoughts and I wish that you are safe and healthy. Please be kind for everyone around you, offer a helpful hand where you can and pray for the world to get better real, real soon! ::

With love & health,

Nicole from the Netherlands

๐Ÿ’“ "Earth Keeps On Turning" ๐Ÿ’—

Over the entire world, country after country is (partly) locked down. However, still earth keeps on turning. 

We humans are used to have full planned days, mostly let to the feeling of running out of time. Now we are forced to take a step backwards. The schools are closed, restaurants, bars and stores are closed too and those able to take their jobs home, work from home. 

 Events, big or small + other social activities are cancelled and holidays we were delighted towards, are postponed. Meanwhile, earth keeps on turning. 

The streets are empty and awfully silent. The daily life imprinted in our systems, seems to have stopped. But life is absolutely not shut down! Earth keeps on turning and so does life. A lot is happening around us. In short: the world is changing, now more clearly visible than ever. Not all changes are likable, but occasionally they are needed. One has developed a huge desire for a change, the other feels only fear (for changes). Running away is no option. The situation now standing in front of us, confronts and affects all of us. The question is, how are you dealing with what comes your way? I cannot judge about what someone else is feeling or is going through. All I can say is that I do not choose fear. I choose love, a choice we all have! 

These times do certainly invite us to look a little more inside, within ourselves. Are you happy? Is there anything you want to change? How do you really feel inside? No, we do not stand still. You may now feel that you are forced to stay at home. Fill it the way you want to fill it (as long as it doesn’t go against your country’s official rules, they’re currently still different everywhere). Perhaps you've always wanted to do something artistically or, like me, have some extra time to for writing. That’s given to you now. I see beautiful actions for the most vulnerable groups of people getting created. The media is full of like everything and I see a lot flashing my timeline, but the kind of messages I pay attention to are the ones created from love. They are the ones that light up our very own earth. 

There’s less traffic, less people are using the public transport and there’s less air traffic because worldwide flights are cancelled. But, guess what: earth keeps on turning! Perhaps you’re thinking, why does she keep using this sentence? I can explain. The things I’ve summed up above, I think aren’t all bad at all. Life on earth started many billions years ago and ever since then she has given herself to the many creatures of various shapes and sizes who were she has granted a house to. From single-celled organisms to dinosaurs, mammals and our ancestor, the great ape. For decades, Mother Earth has been begging for our attention, has she literally trying to shake us as a wake-up call and has she shred her tears and showed her anger in the shape of giant cataclysms. Sadly by the largest group of the world’s population, these calls hardly or do not come through. I'm not saying that abstaining things a month or so will do much, but now we have the opportunity to see what really matters and to make the oh so needed changes! 

Earth connects. Animals, plants, our fellow residents, from our neighbors to the people on the other side of the world. Shortly said, all who’re breathing in the same air are connected. It might feel like we’re all so far apart now, especially when now borders close in more and more countries. Still, the words is connected, now more than ever. To feel and experience this connection Mother Earth is asking us to remember who we truly are and to let go of what no longer belongs to us. To respect each other, to stop the judgments among us. We all need each other because together we are one! One unit. Now the moment has come. To let our natural light shine, to let powerful positive thoughts flow that’ll fulfill our dreams. 

 ๐Ÿ’–“Have faith that there are still beautiful times ahead of us, on sunny paths yet to be walked on.” ๐Ÿ’

"You'll Never Walk Alone"

๐Ÿ’™Originally, my post had ended here. However, I got so inspired by the the warmhearted action of Sander Hoogendoorn from the Dutch radio channel 3FM. His idea was to let to hear Gerry & the Pacemakers song 'You'll Never Walk Alone' at the same time, on different radio stations. At Friday the 20th, on 8:45 (Dutch time) the song eventually was on 46 Dutch radio stations. But that wasn't all. In total it was to be heard on more than 180 stations in more than 30 countries! (Among others  England, Belgium, Germany and Romania)

I have to share the video 3FM made from all the fragments they received from all kinds of different radio stations and from people who listened:

I want to end this blogpost with the lyrics of this song. Something I still 100% support is: “#MusicConnects!”, But no matter how you do it, when it comes from your heart you spread love and inspire others to do so too. ๐Ÿ’›

When you walk through a storm

Hold your head up high

And don't be afraid of the dark

At the end of a storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on through the wind

Walk on through the rain

Though your dreams be tossed and blown

Walk on, walk on

With hope in your heart

And you'll never walk alone

You'll never walk alone

Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone

You'll never walk alone

A small amount of all stations, had to cut and paste a bit to make it fit