Saturday 7 December 2019

All Good Things Come To An End

All Good Things Come To An End

Last weekend of Betrayal

All things end, but they will remain alive in our memories. The other day Tom was given a portrait of himself to be added on the wall among many other great artists of Broadway's history. Something that he and we all can be very proud of! Tom, you totally deserve this! And yes I'm sure your foster father on the wall agrees that there's room for you on the wall!

He wrote the most lovely words on his official IG:

Something in a completely different angle, but for me December also is one that brings closure to something that had a huge part of my life the past 6 years. Namely the work I'm doing at the library. The end of a year actually is the best time to end certain periods of your life, so that you'll start the new year fresh, with new adventures in sight. To stay in the spiritual touch, the year 2020 is all about making choices (2019 was the year of speaking) so actually, by making the big choice in 2019, I'm ahead of time!

It's time for something else. Of course being surrounded by books is no punishment, but sort of speak I want to see it from the other side. I love to write and it's my dream to do something more with that! 💙😊 I say this a lot: Stay positive, keep believing in your dreams to keep them alive! (I'm not going to dig deeper on this subject in this blogpost as I already did that in the following blogs for example Think Purple, Think Positive and Dream, Do, Believe, but I'm planning to give this some more words in my next blogpost that has 'music' as a main subject.)

I would like to add a few extra words to Tom Hiddleston, Charlie Cox, Zawe Ashton, Eddie Arnold, Jamie Lloyd and all who are deeply involved with creating the wonderful Betrayal Broadway: After the last performance of Betrayal, you're able to look back at one of the most beautiful experiences of your life, an experience its ending has a high chance of creating the following result: Tears, lots of tears! Oh, they will come, definitely! But let them come, those emotions say how beautiful the journey has been and they will help with the closure. I wish you all a beautiful closure of Betrayal Broadway that you can carry always with you in your hearts 💕!

I've already talked about how ending things in your life is necessary to make room for new things in your life. Things come and at some point they will come to an end. Tom Hiddleston's project of 2020 is all about the Loki Series for Disney+, something many, many of us can't wait for! I‘m already bouncing up and down of excitement for this! So yeah, I say: Let 2020 come!

Lots of love,



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