Dutch Comic Con Utrecht: 24th of March, 2019
Here is my post about my first Comic Con experience! Perhaps
you think: Why is this Tom Hiddleston or Loki related? Because it‘s not like he
was there or anything. (However I can make anything Tom Hiddleston related.)
But I came across of some Loki related stuff and of course made some pictures.
I had hoped there was more Loki to be found. The only Loki Funko Pop I saw was
the Golden Chrome one and finding a Loki comic, was very rare. And I came across
of a lovely lady who was dressed as Loki. Of course I had to take a photo with
her which is in this blog as well. I really did see a lot of great cosplayers.
If I had a professional camera, I had wanted to photograph them all!
Shannen Doherty
She was really nice and I was nervous. |
Two of the guests from Dutch Comic Con were Shannen Doherty & Tom Felton. Also I wanted to experience a Photobooth before I will do one in the future with Tom (Hiddleston, obviously). Both the worlds of Charmed and Harry Potter are really my thing. Charmed took over halve my childhood & teenage years and I also loved my visit to the Harry Potter Studios I did in London (2017). Draco was (shared first place with Sirius Black) my favourite character of Harry Potter, but because Charmed had meant more for me I chose to do a photo with Shannen Doherty. Also in Charmed are hidden a lot of (spiritual) life messages. My sister and I recently started to watch the show from the beginning, again. She was really lovely and kind. As I expected, the photo op happened very quickly. But I was able to give her my letter in which I told her how much I love Charmed and how much I admire her for the strong woman she is. I think you know that she went through a lot and I think she‘s a great role model for many women. I gave her my letter when she was giving out autographs and selfies. Because I don‘t really feel much for autographs, I asked the organisation if it was okay to just give her the letter. It was no problem, as long as I kept it short which I respected. So I just told her that I‘m a huge fan of Charmed and that I wanted to give her the letter. She thanked me and told me she would read it later. Then we said goodbye. (The photo op was halve an hour after that).
I wish that Shannen‘s Q&A got filmed, because it was really
inspiring! Because of Tom Hiddleston‘s Q&A‘s from Ace Comic Con, I‘m used
to watch the Q&A‘s back later but it‘s a bit different here in the
Netherlands. Dutch Comic Con did a few life streaming on Facebook during a few
panels (There is a part of the one of Shannen from Saturday). Other than that
it‘s just for the people who are there, but I had loved re-watching it. One
person told her how much she admired her for how open she was during the time
of her disease (something similar I wrote in the letter) and asked her if she
had any tips for someone who went through it right now. Also I was in line for
asking Shannen a question, but unfortunately for me the person before me asked
the very same question that I had in mind! And because I couldn't think of
another question that soon, I stepped out of the line and took a seat. I wanted
to ask her what her favourite episode was. At that moment I couldn't completely
hear her answer, but I did catch something about that she loved to work with
the horses. So my guess is that she answered ‘The Good, the Bad and the
Cursed’ (One she directed, great episode by the way!) But one of my favourite definitely is: ‘All Halliwell‘s Eve’. She also mentioned that the third
season was her favourite season, also because she had directed a few episodes
from that season. Perhaps part of the reason that I stepped out of the line,
also was because of me being afraid of speaking in (big) public and I started
to get really nervous when it was almost my turn. I think Tom Hiddleston is
needed in order for me to get over that! Later that day, when Tom Felton‘s
panel was almost there, I had the chance of standing really close in front of
the for asking him a question. But I didn't joined the que. I didn't had a
burning question for him and I didn't know if he appreciated it if I asked him
about his favourite Marvel movie. I don‘t even know if he‘s into Marvel movies!
Also I thought it was a good thing to give his true fans a chance, since the
Tom I‘d truly want to meet with deep in my heart has a slightly little
different last name. ;)
I went live on Instagram during Tom Felton‘s panel for a
while. I managed to save 9 minutes of that and I got it placed on YouTube. I
must say his panel was really fun and also this is a Tom who‘s really lovely
for his fans. Dutch Comic Con posted a small part of his panel from Saturday in
which he spontaneously hugged a fan who became very emotional when it was her
turn. (perhaps it‘s to be found on youtube) I can imagine getting emotional probably will happen to me when Tom
Hiddleston is standing in front of me. And the very last panel was the one from
Benedict Wong. His panel also was very funny and where it was overloaded
crowded at Tom Felton‘s panel, there was plenty of room left during Benedict‘s
panel. Perhaps lot‘s of people already went home, but Wong totally deserved to
have more crowd! His panel also was inspiring and he talked about how Wong
became Wong in Doctor Strange. He also joked a little about his character
having the same name. I also respect him for doing this con, since it was
mentioned that he felt really ill.
(Don‘t mind the quality. Something went wrong in the middle, but that‘s only for a few seconds.)
Cosplayers and hunting on everything Loki related
I was very impressed with all the cosplayers I saw at the
event. I took a picture with Jack Sparrow, Loki & Captain America: all
Dutch cosplayers. It amazed me how much this Jack Sparrow looked and acted like
the real one! Due a tragedy that happened in Utrecht 5 days before the event
took place, they had forbidden all weapon props so there wouldn't be any
confusion. That‘s why Loki has no weapon. Also they only allowed visitors to
bring really small handbags. If you wanted to bring bigger bags, you had to
leave them at the bag-wardrobe or it had to be a transparent one: they were
allowed to go in. Due what happened, it was really understandable.
I had hoped to find a little more Loki stuff there. Someone
had found a really nice Loki Ragnarok poster on Saturday (the one I‘m using in
my profile photo), but I guess it was sold out on Sunday because I couldn‘t
find it. The only Loki Funko Pop I saw was the Chrome one. And finding a Loki
comic was really hard. Perhaps if I want to see a little more Loki next time, I
need to go on Saturday instead!
When seeing this, my heart was very active.. |
Trip back home
Then it was time for the trip back home. And public
transport here in The Netherlands, in general is a drama. My friend who has
been in Japan this year, mentioned we could learn about how organized it is in
Japan. For almost the whole day there was a big breakdown happening on the
railways between Utrecht and Eindhoven. Later I realized about how lucky we
were about reaching Utrecht in the first place, because lots of people couldn't because the breakdown started somewhere later in the morning. NS had expected
the breakdown would last until 13:00, however on 18:00 that got postponed to
19:30, and around 20:45 finally the trains moved again! The picture below is
taken around 19:30, when we had just arrived at the chaos that was happening in
the station of Den Bosch (The next stop after Utrecht, it was as far the train
went). That was supposed to be the line for the buses they had as replacement.
Let‘s just say: two small buses every hour is by far not enough for all the
people that got stuck after they had to leave the trains. I‘m standing
somewhere in the back and at this point one of my friends regretted about
reaching Utrecht in the first place. However she didn't buy a non-refundable
ticket for the photobooth. (For me it didn't matter how late I got home.) Luckily
we only stood there for one hour since then soon the problem was fixed. Some
people really stood there for hours.
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The perfect example of the Dutch public transport going wrong.. |
We reached our end station (where one of my friends had parked his car) somewhere before 22:00 and just when you didn't think the trip could get any crazier, the next ‘surprise’ awaited us: My friend forgot to turn out the lights of his car. Oops. Result: The battery (or how do I call this?) was empty! Luckily for us someone else saw that there was something odd with the car. ‘A rescue Angel’, was the thought I had. We were truly grateful for his presence! Something which I definitely am not is a car expert, so if I need to sum it up: Something with attaching cables between both of the cars to load the battery. Our last stop was McDonald‘s because we hadn't eaten much all day. The food stands at Dutch Comic Con were really crowded. Here we talked about how this whole day kind of was a big learning experience. Our first Comic Con experience, the happenings with the public transport and my friend will definitely double check if the lights of the car truly are out!
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All I took home with me, however I bought the Pops on the station before, not on the event. |
Conclusion / Statement
I had a great day at Dutch Comic Con. Meeting Shannen
Doherty, being present at the panels: I will definitely go again! I‘ll end with
a positive thought: One day, I don‘t know when and where, it will finally be
Tom Hiddleston I‘m meeting :).