Sunday 13 December 2020

Loki gave us a Christmas present

 Loki Gave us a Christmas present

Dear readers,

I hadn't logged into this blog for a while. While we've gotten a word-wide pause, it seemed like I've also got caught into a 'writing-pause' as there were other things and situations that came on my path. In March I've shared several 2020 memes, but I don't want to speak all negative of 2020, it does gave me something good. As from September I've found a job in an office I feel very welcome at! 😊 But yes, I think for everyone 2020 was/is a weird year. Instead of our yearly dose of films and series, we've got something less pleasant. Something that, if I look back to the whole year, for me really starts to look like a real life film. 2020 became a year beyond our predictions. Last year on the last day of December I said 2020 is going to be great year with concerts and a trip to Glastonbury within sight for me. This year I'm not going to say things like: "2021 will be..", I'm probably wrong anyway. But one thing I do know what 2021 is going to bring us, that is something I need to make sure I have to fix myself a Disney+ subscription for again! The Loki Series!

Loki Series Trailer (!):

"What did you expect?" Well Loki, I hadn't expect to see a trailer of your series after waking up on December, 11th! "Glorious!"  Yeah, indeed glorious! An early Christmas gift from Marvel Studios to us Loki fans. I saw a lot in that trailer, a lot of flashes, Loki grins, Tom Hiddleston playing Loki to play Tom Hiddleston, Vote Loki for president; short said: a lot to progress in my mind haha! Spoken of Loki for president, I've posted the comic version as a joke on my social media's during the American Election. I'm not from America, but given the choices, I think I rather had Loki.. The Loki Series trailer looks very promising, I am looking forward to it and I will definitely subscribe to Disney+ again in April 2021! What are your thoughts about the trailer?

A picture of Tom at the Loki set, posted by @kristinecrivier on IG

Earth At Night In Color:

Of course there hasn't been much Tom Hiddleston content this year, but spoken of the last couple of weeks, also an exclusive preview of AppleTV+'s series Earth At Night In Color which is narrated by Tom was released! And as icing on the cake it was a cute clip of bears having a pool party! Since I've got everything Android here, I probably won't see much of this beautiful project. Although, I do have to face the fact that my phone probably won't survive many years and I need a new one eventually. Could this be my motivation to switch? I do love Wild Animal documentaries. 😊

More info about Earth At Night In Color can be found here.

"There’s less traffic, less people are using the public transport and there’s less air traffic because worldwide flights are cancelled. But, guess what: earth keeps on turning! Perhaps you’re thinking, why does she keep using this sentence? I can explain. The things I’ve summed up above, I think aren’t all bad at all. Life on earth started many billions years ago and ever since then she has given herself to the many creatures of various shapes and sizes who were she has granted a house to. From single-celled organisms to dinosaurs, mammals and our ancestor, the great ape. For decades, Mother Earth has been begging for our attention, has she literally trying to shake us as a wake-up call and has she shred her tears and showed her anger in the shape of giant cataclysms. Sadly by the largest group of the world’s population, these calls hardly or do not come through. I'm not saying that abstaining things a month or so will do much, but now we have the opportunity to see what really matters and to make the oh so needed changes! 

Earth connects. Animals, plants, our fellow residents, from our neighbors to the people on the other side of the world. Shortly said, all who’re breathing in the same air are connected. It might feel like we’re all so far apart now, especially when now borders close in more and more countries. Still, the words is connected, now more than ever. To feel and experience this connection Mother Earth is asking us to remember who we truly are and to let go of what no longer belongs to us. To respect each other, to stop the judgments among us. We all need each other because together we are one! One unit. Now the moment has come. To let our natural light shine, to let powerful positive thoughts flow that’ll fulfill our dreams."

The text above I have quoted from my blogpost Earth Keeps on Turning from last March. Now, more than half a year further we probably all have had to deal with a (partly) second lockdown once again. While there's less air-traffic, if seeing from our country, I can't say the same about road-traffic. People are more and more working less from home, it's cold outside so people rather take the car than their bicycle. Well, I hope we can all think a little bit more of our earth because all tiny bits helpπŸ’š.

Stay healthy & safe everyone, dream of Tom, fantasize of Loki and:

Happy Holidays πŸŽ„πŸŽ…!!

πŸ’“ xx Nicole πŸ’—

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